Graphing Absolute Value Functions

You probably remember working with absolute value functions in middle school.  They look something like this:  |-4|, and tell us how far from zero a number is--in other words, take whatever is on the inside, and make it positive.  This creates an interesting situation when a variable is used in the absolute value function.  Let's take a look at y = |x|.

Ok, plug in some numbers around zero and get something interesting.  For positive numbers, our line looks a lot like y = x

(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2)… and so on…

But when we plug in some negative numbers, something interesting happens: our negative x-values also produce positive y-values:

(-1, 1), (-2, 2), (-3, 3)… our negative half of the graph looks like a line with a negative slope.  In fact, absolute value graphs look like this:

Screen Shot 2013-09-02 at 6.17.24 PM

f(x) = |x| or f(x) = abs(x) both produce this graph, and it follows all the same transformations as other graphs we've studied.

Here's a more general form:

f(x) = a|x-h|+k, where a defines the steepness (and up or down version of the graph), h describes the x-coordinate of the vertex, and k describes the y-coordinate of the vertex.  

Here are some extra resources to help you:

Purple Math

Graphing Absolute Value 1 (MathGal)

Graphing Absolute Value 2 (MathGal)

Graphing Absolute Value 3 (MathGal)

Graphing Absolute Value (BrightStorm)

© Tofer Carlson 2012